Galina Papoulidou
Visual Artist

13x19 watercolour on paper
..."In constructing my work, I use what I refer to as 'Hidden and Revealed Effect’, to combine abstract with figurative painting so as to expose the hidden aspects of human characteristics.
In this way, the image comes from the real world and the subjective experience or the subconscious simultaneously.
Subjective experiences generate experiences that, through the mechanism of memory are rooted deep within us.
On an individual and collective level, memory, apart from its natural function-to bring past events of life to the surface exactly as they happened, can bring about transformations. These transformations, or more often the logically correlated but thinner memories of particular events, can lead to unpredictable reactions with people becoming prey to their emotions. Unfamiliar inner perceptions of pain, fear and death can be discovered."...
...."The arts are a universal medium through which people can articulate their non-verbal experience; the side of life connected with feelings.
There are common motifs which spring from the collective unconscious in many cultures. Free from cultural bias I introduce into my work elements from different cultures, as art is a universal mean of communication."....
G.P. 2013
© Copyright / GalinaPapoulidou/ Visual Artist